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- آدرس کوتاه شده مقاله: https://bahareadab.com/article_id/1566
- کد doi مقاله: Doi: 10.22034/bahareadab.2023 .16 .7116
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 16،
number In Volume 10،
issue Number 92
Examining psychological defense mechanisms in the works of Simin Daneshvar (Based on the novels Suvashun, Jazire Sargardani, Sarban sargardan)
Zahra Doosti , Arash Moshfeghi (Author in Charge), Mohammad Ali Mojallal
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Psychological defense mechanisms are one of the psychological strategies of humans to reduce the anxiety that affects the human psyche and puts it on the verge of collapse. This mechanism is the result of the studies of Freud and his colleagues, especially his daughter Anna Freud. According to Freud, many human reactions originate from the actions that the human psyche shows when faced with adverse circumstances. From this point of view, this article tries to analyze the behavior of Simin Daneshvar"s characters.
METHODOLOGY: The collection of information is by library method and the research method is qualitative studies and content analysis. The statistical community includes all the books of Sovashon (1992), Sarban Sargardan (2001) and Jazire Sargardani (2002) from Kharazmi Publication.
FINDINGS: The fictional characters of these novels sometimes show reactions that are the product of their psychological defense mechanism. In some cases, these mechanisms are developed, which cause acceptable behaviors in the society, and sometimes they fall under the category of undeveloped behaviors, which cause a person"s incompatibility with the people around him.
CONCLUSION: By examining the behavior and actions of fictional characters in Simin Daneshvar"s three novels from the point of view of psychological defense mechanisms, the results show that most of the actions and actions of fictional characters and in general characterization in these works are based on psychological motives; In the same way that some people"s political activities are also rooted in their psychological problems.
psychological defense mechanisms
, Simin Daneshvar
, Suvashun
, Jazire Sargardani
, Sarban sargardan.
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